Complaints procedure

Caroola Accountancy

We take complaints about our work, staff and levels of service very seriously. If you are not satisfied with any aspect of our service, please follow the process for raising a formal complaint.

What complaints we can and can’t deal with

We can only handle complaints about the work, staff and levels of service provided by Caroola. We can’t deal with:

  • Complaints about generic treatment from HMRC
  • Your bank
  • Companies not under a service agreement with Caroola or where we did not provide the advice

How do I make a complaint?

It is easier for us to resolve complaints if you make them directly to the accountant/office concerned. Please call or e-mail your accountant at the local office in the first instance. They will aim to resolve any problems immediately. If they are unable to resolve the issue to your satisfaction they will escalate your complaint to a Senior Accountant in their Team. Should you not wish to complain to the local office, there are alternative methods for you to register your complaint.

Please contact us via email:

Or by post:

Complaints Manager
Caroola Group.
KD Tower
Hemel Hempstead

What information we’ll need from you

We will need:

  • Your full name, your company name and address
  • A clear, detailed description of what your complaint is about
  • How you expect your matter to be resolved
  • Your email address or postal address (so we can reply)

What happens next?

When you have made your complaint, we will:

  • Log your complaint
  • Investigate your complaint and work with you to resolve your issue to your satisfaction and as quickly as possible

Our complaints process has two stages

Stage 1 – Frontline Resolution
  • Frontline resolution aims to quickly resolve straightforward complaints that require little or no investigation. We call this first point of contact resolution
  • We aim to do this within three working days and will be handled by your accountant
  • If for any reason we aren’t able to resolve your complaint within three working days we will contact you to discuss the options open to you
  • These may include an extension to the original timescale or, should the case be more complicated than we originally thought, we shall undertake a more detailed (Stage 2) investigation

Stage 2 – Investigation

Stage 2 investigations deal with four types of complaint:

  • Cases that have not been resolved at Stage 1
  • Repeat complaints
  • Cases that are complex in nature and/or where it is immediately apparent that a detailed investigation is required
  • Cases where incorrect advice has been given or penalties and/or fines have been generated through no fault of your own

Stage 2 complaints will be handled by a Senior Accountant within the organisation who will:

  • Acknowledge receipt of your complaint within three working days
  • Where appropriate, discuss your complaint with you to understand why you remain dissatisfied and what outcome you are looking for
  • Provide a full response within 5 working days

If we need longer than 5 working days to resolve the complaint we will agree a revised time frame with you and keep you updated on progress.

What to do if you’re not satisfied

If you are not satisfied with the outcome of your formal complaint and wish to take the matter further, please request the investigating Senior Accountant to escalate the matter to a Team Manager or Senior Team Manager who will review the information and advise you of the expected response time to resolve, taking in to account the complexity of the investigation. We currently are not supervised by a regulatory body or an accountancy institute so we will work directly with you to resolve the elements of your dissatisfaction at every stage in this process.